Code RĂ©gional | Mobile / Cellulaire Locator | NumĂ©ro de TĂ©lĂ©phone 📞 Code RĂ©gional | Mobile / Cellulaire Locator | NumĂ©ro de TĂ©lĂ©phone 📞

Tanzanie đŸ‡č🇿

+255 = Tanzanie :

Ce page fournit les informations sur le code du pays, l'indicatif régional, des conseils de la procédure à suivire et les détails du plan de numérotation pour Tanzanie.


Code de numérotation international de Tanzanie

  • Nom: Tanzanie đŸ‡č🇿
  • Code: 255, encore +255, 00255, 00 255, 00-255, +255-, +00255, 0255, 000255, 011-255 etc.

Informations générales

  • Code pays de la Tanzanie: 255
  • PrĂ©fixe de ligne: 0
  • PrĂ©fixe international: 000
  • Nombre DĂ©tails: Les chiffres du Kenya sont neuf chiffres. Les deux premiers chiffres sont un indicatif rĂ©gional. L'indicatif rĂ©gional se prĂ©sente parfois sous la forme d'un numĂ©ro Ă  trois chiffres commençant par «0», mais le «0» ne se compose pas lorsque la Tanzanie est appelĂ©e depuis un emplacement international. Les numĂ©ros mobiles sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par les indicatifs rĂ©gionaux commençant par «6» ou «7».

Un exemple de numéro de téléphone tanzanien

Le Protea Hotel Courtyard affiche son numéro de téléphone à Dar es-Salaam au +255 (0) 22 213 0130.

Détail du plan de numérotation

Indicatif régional Longueur du nombre significatif Usage Information additionnelle
20 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Spare area code
21 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Spare area code
22 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Dar-Es-Salaam Region
23 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Coast, Morogoro, Lindi and Mtwara Regions
24 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba) Regions
25 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Mbeya, Songwe, Ruvuma, Katavi and Rukwa Regions
26 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Dodoma, Iringa, Njombe, Singida and Tabora Regions
27 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Arusha, Manyara, Kilimanjaro and Tanga Regions
28 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Mwanza, Shinyanga, Mara, Geita, Simiyu, Kagera and Kigoma Regions
29 9 Geographic number for fixed telephony services (Area code) Spare area code
41 9 Non-geographic number for corporate services VoIP Services
6X 9 Non-geographic number – (Find Me Anywhere) Digital mobile telephony services for Find Me Anywhere services
61 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Spare NDC
62 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Viettel Tanzania Limited
63 9 Non-geographic number – (Find Me Anywhere) Mkulima African Telecommunication Company Limited
64 9 Non-geographic number – (Find Me Anywhere) Wiafrica Tanzania Limited
65 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) MIC Tanzania Limited
66 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Smile Communications Tanzania Limited
67 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) MIC Tanzania Limited
68 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Airtel Tanzania Limited
69 9 Non-geographic number – (Find Me Anywhere) Spare NDC
7X 9 Non-geographic number – (Find Me Anywhere) Digital mobile telephony services for Find Me Anywhere services
71 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) MIC Tanzania Limited
72 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Spare NDC
73 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd
74 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Vodacom Tanzania Limited
75 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Vodacom Tanzania Limited
76 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Vodacom Tanzania Limited
77 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Zanzibar Telecom Limited
78 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Airtel Tanzania Limited
79 9 Non-geographic number for mobile telephony services – (Find Me Anywhere) Benson Informatics Limited
800 9 Non-geographic number – (National free phone) Allocated for national toll free services
808 9 Non-geographic number – (International free phone) Allocated for international toll free services
840 9 Non-geographic number – (National special services local rate) Allocated for national shared cost services on fixed network
860 9 Non-geographic number – (National special services toll rate) Allocated for national toll-rate services on fixed network
861 9 Non-geographic number – (National special services fixed rate) Allocated for national special rates on fixed network
90X 9 Non-geographic number – (Premium rate services) Allocated for national premium services

Numéros importants

Nombre Catégorie de service
111 Police
112 Feu
119 Appel d'urgence

Plan de numérotation

Numérotation domestique

  • Pour un appel local: Composez uniquement le numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone local
  • Pour les appels longue distance: 0 -area code - numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone local

Numérotation étrangÚre

  • Pour appeler la Tanzanie depuis l'Ă©tranger: code de sortie - 255 - numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone local (le code de sortie peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre Ă©crit "+")
  • Pour appeler Ă  l'Ă©tranger depuis la Tanzanie: 000 - code pays - indicatif rĂ©gional - numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone

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