Code RĂ©gional | Mobile / Cellulaire Locator | NumĂ©ro de TĂ©lĂ©phone 📞 Code RĂ©gional | Mobile / Cellulaire Locator | NumĂ©ro de TĂ©lĂ©phone 📞

Venezuela đŸ‡»đŸ‡Ș

+58 = Venezuela :

Ce page fournit les informations sur le code du pays, l'indicatif régional, des conseils de la procédure à suivire et les détails du plan de numérotation pour Venezuela.


Code de numérotation international de Venezuela

  • Nom: Venezuela đŸ‡»đŸ‡Ș
  • Code: 58, encore +58, 0058, 00 58, 00-58, +58-, +0058, 058, 00058, 011-58 etc.

Informations générales

  • Code de pays Venezuela: 58
  • PrĂ©fixe de coffre: 0
  • PrĂ©fixe international: 00
  • DĂ©tails du numĂ©ro: Les numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone vĂ©nĂ©zuĂ©liens sont composĂ©s de dix chiffres. Les trois premiers chiffres sont un indicatif rĂ©gional pour les numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone fixes et un code de transporteur pour les numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone mobiles. Les numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone fixes commencent par «2» et les numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone mobile par «4».

Un exemple de numéro de téléphone vénézuélien

Le Museo de Los Ninos indique son numéro de téléphone à Caracas sous le numéro (0212) 575-0695.

Détail du plan de numérotation

Code de destination national Longueur du nombre Usage Information additionnelle
Le minimum Maximum
212 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) Capital District, Vargas state and some towns of Miranda state
234 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Miranda state
235 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of GuĂĄrico state
237 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some islands (Federal dependencies)
238 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of GuĂĄrico state
239 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Miranda
240 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Apure and Barinas
241 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Carabobo state
242 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Carabobo state
243 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Aragua and Carabobo
244 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Aragua state
245 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Carabobo state
246 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Aragua and GuĂĄrico
247 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Apure, Barinas and GuĂĄrico
248 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Amazonas
249 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Carabobo state
251 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Lara and Yaracuy
252 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Lara state
253 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Lara and Yaracuy
254 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Yaracuy state
255 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Portuguese State
256 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Portuguese State
257 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Portuguese State
258 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states of Cojedes and Barinas
259 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of FalcĂłn state
261 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
262 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
263 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
264 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
265 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
266 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
267 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Zulia state
268 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of FalcĂłn
269 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of FalcĂłn state
271 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Trujillo, Zulia and MĂ©rida
272 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Trujillo state
273 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Barinas state
274 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of MĂ©rida state
275 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Zulia, MĂ©rida and TĂĄchira
276 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of TĂĄchira state
277 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states TĂĄchira and MĂ©rida
278 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of state of Barinas
279 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of FalcĂłn state
281 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of AnzoĂĄtegui state
282 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of AnzoĂĄtegui state
283 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of AnzoĂĄtegui state
284 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of BolĂ­var state
285 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states BolĂ­var and AnzoĂĄtegui
286 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states BolĂ­var and Monagas
287 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states Delta Amacuro and Monagas
288 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of BolĂ­var state
289 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of BolĂ­var state
291 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Monagas state
292 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of states AnzoĂĄtegui and Monagas
293 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Sucre state
294 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Sucre state
295 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Nueva Esparta state
296 10 10 fixed telephony services(area code) some towns of Amazonas state
500 10 10 Non- fixed telephony services Non-geographic number of universal access
501 10 10 Non- fixed telephony services Non-Geographic number of universal access with calling party pays
800 10 10 Non- fixed telephony services Non-Geographic number (toll-free number)
400 10 10 Non- fixed telephony services Non-Geographic number (universal personal number)
412 10 10 mobile telephone service(Code of mobile operator) NDC assigned to CorporaciĂłn Digitel C.A.
414 10 10 mobile telephone service(Code of mobile operator) NDC assigned to TELCEL C.A.(Movistar)
415 10 10 mobile telephone service(Code of mobile operator) NDC assigned to Globalstar de Venezuela C.A.
416 10 10 mobile telephone service(Code of mobile operator) NDC assigned to Telecomunicaciones Movilnet C.A.
424 10 10 mobile telephone service(Code of mobile operator) NDC assigned to TELCEL C.A.(Movistar)
426 10 10 mobile telephone service(Code of mobile operator) NDC assigned to Telecomunicaciones Movilnet C.A.

Numéros Importants

Pays / Zone Géographique Nombre Catégorie De Service Informations Complémentaires
Venezuela (RĂ©publique bolivarienne du) 171 Police -
Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) 171 médical -
Venezuela (RĂ©publique bolivarienne du) 171 feu -

Plan de numérotation

Numérotation domestique

  • Pour un appel local: Composez uniquement le numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone local
  • Pour les appels longue distance: 0 - indicatif rĂ©gional - numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone local

Numérotation étrangÚre

  • Pour appeler le Venezuela depuis l'Ă©tranger: code de sortie - 58 - indicatif rĂ©gional - numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone local code le code de sortie peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre Ă©crit comme «+»
  • Pour appeler Ă  l'Ă©tranger du Venezuela: 00 - code pays - indicatif rĂ©gional - numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone

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